Saturday 4 January 2014


2014- Organisation kick start !

I know its a very boring topic but i really feel at though this year i need to plan everyday and make the most of it. Are you a organised person? I'm certainly not. With my GCSE's coming up, my expedition to Thailand and just general life which you have to keep up with organisation is key. I'm planning on doing this by;

Cute planner from Paperchase!
A diary- Planning each day so i don't forget anything and keep on track. I'm not saying every single day ill have something to do maybe i'll be chilling out, watching movies and drinking -and eating- chocolate or shopping somewhere, (what you will usually find me doing...) But i need to revise, do homework and go gym (which even the thought of makes me sweat tons). This will hopefully keep me on track.

Apps/Notes- I am a list maker, if i have an idea i have to jot it down so my fish brain doesn't have to hold it. My go to list maker is usually my iPhone the amount of notes i have is unbelievable! But also if you go to the 'productivity' section on 'The App Store' there is a range of apps to organize your life! Currently i'm not using any apps but i'm gonna search for a useful one and give it a go. 

Tidy room, tidy mind- I always feel as though your environment has an effect on how feel, for example if its cluttered your mind will be to therefore feeling unorganized. Again, i will admit i'm not the tidiest person... but i will be this year!

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